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RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) is a satellite navigation technique used to enhance the precision of position data derived from satellite-based positioning systems such as GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou.

By utilizing the signals from these satellite constellations, RTK can achieve centimeter-level accuracy in real-time. At GEODNET, we leverage RTK technology to ensure our network’s mining and positioning solutions meet the highest standards of accuracy and reliability.

RTK is so accurate because it removes the primary errors in the GPS/GNSS signals. These errors include localized ionosphere and troposphere induced errors (“space weather”), orbit, and clock errors.

A few nice explanation is found here:

Having the world’s largest RTK network enhances reliability, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness, ensuring centimeter-level precision in real-time globally. This extensive coverage provides reliable positioning data with multiple backup base stations, enhancing uptime and dependability.

The network’s scalability supports a growing number of users and devices, making high-precision data accessible and affordable without significant infrastructure investment.

GEODNET offers unmatched transparency, allowing users to view our console network and see active miners, a feature rare among private RTK networks. At GEODNET, we empower users with the highest standards of accuracy, reliability, and affordability.

GPS refers to the United States’ constellation of PNT (Position Navigation and Timing) satellites. GNSS refers to all constellations including EU (Galileo), Russia (Glonass), China (Beidou), Japan (QZSS), and India (Navic).

Space Weather describes the variations in the space environment between the sun and Earth. In particular, Space Weather describes the phenomena that impact systems and technologies in orbit and on Earth.

One of those impacted systems is GNSS. Space weather impacts GNSS receivers in several ways. GNSS radio signals travel from the satellite to the receiver on the ground, passing through the Earth’s ionosphere. The charged plasma of the ionosphere bends the path of the GNSS radio signal similar to the way a lens bends the path of light.

There are few key steps.
        1. Select a location for the antennae (empty hex will maximize rewards)
        2. Mount the antennae with a clear sky view
        3. Connect the station to Internet
        4. Add the miner and your crypto-wallet to the GEODNET console

RTK Alternatives

PPP makes use of a network of reference stations in order to compute precise estimates of GNSS satellites orbits and clock errors. Nevertheless, it requires fewer reference stations globally distributed as compared with classic differential approaches (e.g. Real Time Kinematics, RTK), and one set of precise orbit and clock data (computed by a processing center) is valid for all users everywhere. However, the ionospheric or Space Weather compensation is less accurate, resulting in a longer and more fragile precise fix.

PPP-RTK combines the techniques of PPP with a denser regional GNSS base stations to produce a better ionospheric (Space Weather) model. PPP-RTK features faster convergence time as compared to PPP. PPP-RTK is also referred to as SSR (State Space Representation) corrections, as like PPP the corrections are computed server side.

A couple of good articles:

Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites offer a promising future for precise positioning. As they are closer to the planet Earth, the signal strength will be higher which will reduced multipath errors as well as the vulnerability to GNSS jamming. LEO satellites also require ground-based reference stations, and GEODNET is investigating how to mine existing and future LEO satellites for valuable PNT data.

While LiDAR and Cameras most fundamental use in autonomous systems is for Perception, they also play a key role in Localization. The sensors are complimentary to RTK and high-precision GNSS positioning. LiDAR and Cameras are frequently used for relative positioning or with the help of an HD Map, can be used for absolute positioning in the map frame. Inertial Measurement Units (IMU’s) provide position based on the numerical integration angular rate and accelerations. IMU’s are useful because they do not have any external dependency; however, IMU’s are susceptible to drift.

GPS, GNSS and even RTK struggles greatly indoors due weak signals and large amounts of multi-path errors from the building walls. Your mobile phone usings WiFi maps and other tricks to improve the accuracy of your indoor location, but it is still not very good. GEODNET is exploring ways to use #DePIN to improve indoor position accuracy.


GEODNET uses multi-band full-constellation GNSS receivers. PPP software from NRCAN is utilized to properly position the stations in a standardized Datum’s. All stations are actively monitored by GEODNET for quality control purposes 24x7. The antennae’s are uniformed and calibrated by the National Geodetic Survey

In the USA, GEODNET uses NAD83 2011. For international stations, GEODNET uses ITRF 2014

GEODNET data is delivered to end-users in a decentralized way thru third parties. A list of direct RTK Service data distributors is found here:

Other service providers and customers, purchase wholesale data streams from GEODNET to incorporate into OEM or existing GNSS correction data products.

Yes, every time a Satellite Miner is installed GEODNET’s coverage grows. If you are interested to add bulk coverage to GEODNET please contact the Foundation directly.

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